Lindsey M. Mills Music Education & Performance & Recording sTudios

Lindsey M. Mills Music Education & Performance & Recording sTudios


"a truly creative environment"

music for all ages

 ages - four to 104


"Music Is In The Heart"

 I believe music is an art and art and needs to be explored.

I play and teach because of my love for music, all music.

Music has been a part of my life since birth and

I started studying at the age of four.

Music can make me: creative, laugh, cry, relax, sad, happy, confused,

energized, upset, mad, joyful and can create many other emotions.

Music is in my heart and

I love to share my real-life experiences with my students.

If I can help someone to play a simple song, which they truly enjoy,

then I have accomplished what I am all about.

Everyone has the potential to play an instrument . . .

including singing which is our own natural instrument.

We all have setbacks . . . 

and I honestly believe that the understanding and encouragement from a caring teacher,

whether it is a parent, friend or educator,

can help us overcome our setbacks and succeed at anything.

My parents gave to me, at an early age, the gift of MUSIC, I love to share this.

If you would like to learn how to play an instrument,

I would be happy to help you learn, at your own pace.

I truly believe . . .  it is never too late to begin learning,

including a musical instrument.

If you have tried and discontinued, remember it is never too late to try again.

You may want to try a new instrument or study a different style of music.

You have nothing to lose and so much to gain.

I am very student focused ~ meaning each class is unique to the individual's journey with me.

Come on a Musical Journey With Me…...

Lindsey M. Mills


Piano . Vocal . Keyboard . Guitar . Fiddle . Bass . Mandolin . Ukulele . Drums

Contemporary . Royal Conservatory . Classical .  Jazz . Christian/Spiritual

Theory . Composing . Song Writing . Recording

All music classes are taught according to the preference of the student and/or parent with guidance of the educator.

Lindsey M. Mills

Music Educator - Performer - Music Director - Producer

Canadian Recording Artist - Singer Songwriter - Multi-Instrumentalist